Reading for February 2, 2020. 02.02.2020! First Palindrome Day since 11.11.1111. (909 years ago!)
What will this month hold in store from Palindrome Groundhog's Day forward? The overview of this reading definitely points to an Early Spring, as confirmed by Groundhog Puxatawney Phil, who did not show fear of his Shadow. A major goal for all: don't run from the darkness behind you!
Two of Pentacles.
The Self card here is a TWO! And a special kind of two it is: the lemniscate, the Lazy Eight, symbol of Infinity. 02.02.2020 is an 8 day, for those who follow Numerology: the number of Justice, a.k.a. Karma. Although circumstances appear to be in flux, change is burgeoning at the center of the balance. It's a good idea to swing kettlebells or play on a see-saw to revisit how this center feels. People with Venus in Capricorn will feel the benefits of such juggling most profoundly right now.
Six of Swords.
The Situation card, Six of Swords, traditionally points to a passage away from difficulties. It's also the card of Astrology, using the Heavens to map a course across the chartless sea of Life on Earth. Look within and discover your own relationship to the tidal rhythms that govern this sub-lunar world.
The Magician.
In the Outcome card we see The Magician channeling Power, a force that will be yours to harness once you find your Six of Swords path away from the rebalancing Two of Pentacles period of active equilibrium. When you become aware of the miracle that works within all humans, your soul can grow into its Image of God. Notice the lemniscate we saw in the Self card here raised to a higher plane above the Crown Chakra.
The Hermit.
The Key Card shining its lantern down onto the reading is The Hermit, who beckons the Seeker of Illumination to look inward, and follow his own North Star: the same Guiding Light that informs the navigation of the Six of Swords across the choppy waters of consciousness.